14th Annual Dinner Weekend
The latest photos from The Greater Toledo Urban League 14th Annual Dinner Weekend
Thank you to all of our sponsors and supporters who have helped us make A NEW WAY FORWARD

[two_third] [fancy_header] Note from the President & CEO[/fancy_header] [fancy_box]
[frame_left]http://www.gtul.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/jjones1-e1272051992336.jpg[/frame_left][dropcap1]N[/dropcap1]ow that the dust has settled and the smoke has cleared its time for the real work to begin. In case you missed it, pill our humble organization was honored to invite Dr. Bill Cosby to our fair city to electrify and empower the masses. Dr. Cosby dedicated an entire weekend of his time to our hefty cause, uniting the city in A New Way Forward. His presence in our town caused such a buzz that we could barely keep up with all the positive press across the country about this enormous event. Having said that we are pumped and ready to move on to the next step. We would like to thank all of our supporters but especially those that volunteered their time and energy to make this one of the biggest and best weekends this city has ever seen.
Rev. John C. Jones – President / CEO
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Thank you for supporting the Greater Toledo Urban League where we Empower Communities & Change Lives
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Subscribe to our [tooltip color=”red” text=”Subscribe to our channel at youtube.com/GTUL100″] You Tube Channel [/tooltip] and stay up to date with messages from our President / CEO John Jones.
[button link=”http://www.youtube.com/user/GTUL100?feature=mhum”]Click Here to Get Empowered Today[/button]
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[fancy_header]WHAT WE DO[/fancy_header] [one_fourth]
Education and Youth Services
[dropcap1]1[/dropcap1]All that we do as adults is built on a foundation of education. The primary focus of our organization is on equal opportunity education for all students. We offer a wide range of educational programs that serve youth and adults. Our programs are designed to compliment the current trends and climate of the modern workforce and are built to level the playing field for minorities and those that are disadvantaged.
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Workforce Development
[dropcap1]2[/dropcap1]In our modern economy it is even more critical that we properly train and assist those in need of employment to get the skills and experience needed to be successful in the workforce. We have extensive programming and staff resources available to achieve the very ambitious goal of turning the unemployment rate of Toledo on its head. We currently service clients seeking employment and offer one on one assistance to help them over come any barriers they may have.
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Health and Quality of Life
[dropcap1]3[/dropcap1]Nothing is more important than living a happy, healthy, and full life. We offer senior services, health awareness and youth activity programs in order to help improve the quality of life in the Toledo community and beyond. Our programs, partnered with local community organizations focus on improving the entire being (mind, body, and spirit) while encouraging people of all ages to reach their full potential as a productive addition to their community.
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Our Vision and Social Media Mission
[dropcap1]4[/dropcap1] The vision of the Greater Toledo Urban League is an empowered community of economically and socially self suffiecient individuals.” Having said that there is no more powerful movement then that of the social media community. You can find us on all the major social media outlets sharing our resources and presenting our achievements to the community.
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[divider_top]Find out what we do[/divider_top] [one_half] [fancy_header]Latest posts from the Blog[/fancy_header] [cetsEmbedRSS id=http://www.gtul.org/feed itemcount=2 itemauthor=1 itemdate=1 itemcontent=1] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [fancy_header]Latest News from the National Urban League[/fancy_header] [arrow_list] [cetsEmbedRSS id=http://www.nul.org/feed.xml itemcount=4 itemauthor=0 itemdate=1 itemcontent=0] [/arrow_list] [/one_half_last] [divider_top]divider[/divider_top]
[info_box]Originally posted on the Simply hired Blog By Andrew Neitlich[/info_box]
The previous two blog entries presented the first two in a four-step process for finding a new job. The first entry challenged you to pretend that your life – and the lives of those dearest to you – depended on finding a new job. Literally. The goal was to get you into the mindset you would have if this really happened to you.
Step two showed you how to create messages that communicate your value in ways that an employer would take notice.
Now you are ready for step three…
Step Three: Think like a consultant. Consultants make marketing their top priority. They are very effective at three types of marketing in particular, sales and you need to become experts here, ask too. The first is in getting referrals. They are pros when it comes to telling people about the value they provide, and then educating them about the types of people they want to meet. They also know how to help other people, by making introductions for them and helping them in other ways to advance their careers. You need to be willing to tell everyone you know about the value you provide, and then explicitly ask people who they know who might be looking for that value. Don’t be shy; your life depends on making direct requests!
Second, consultants get visible by establishing themselves as experts. They write articles, speak, set up blogs, post videos of them speaking, get active in their industry associations, start online groups, and even do simple research projects. All of these things establish their credibility and prove that they are thinking about, and can solve, the most pressing problems the people in their target market face. I don’t care if you are at the lowest level of a company. You can still do some sort of educational marketing to establish yourself as an expert in your field.
Third, consultants are early adopters of social media. They know every feature of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, BlogTalkRadio, YouTube, and question and answer sites – and they know how to use these technologies to meet new people and get introductions. I don’t care if you think you are too old! Your life depends on learning these technologies.
Interestingly, if you take this exercise seriously, you might even end up getting consulting offers, which could launch your career in a very different, exciting direction. Personally, I prefer being a consultant than an employee. As a consultant, I have dozens of clients; if I lose one, I only lose a small portion of my income. Plus, as a consultant I am constantly marketing, and so landing a new opportunity is not such a huge deal. For the purposes of this exercise, you are seeking a full-time job offer. However, in the real world, be flexible and agile, ready to turn someone’s interest in you into any form of assignment you can get!
Once you have the right mindset, messages that communicate your value, and you are thinking like a consultant, you are ready for the fourth and final step, coming next…
Andrew Neitlich is the co-author, with Jay Conrad Levinson, of Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career, a book that reveals the secrets to career success in perpetually gut-wrenching times. For more information, and for additional articles, visit www.bulletproofcareer.com. He also runs the Center for Career Coaching, which trains career coaches.
Read more on the Simply Hired Blog: http://blog.simplyhired.com/2011/03/finding-a-new-job-as-if-your-life-depended-on-it-part-three-think-like-a-consultant.html#ixzz1IlqoZAYE
[info_box]Originally posted on the Simply hired Blog By Andrew Neitlich[/info_box]
The previous two blog entries presented the first two in a four-step process for finding a new job. The first entry challenged you to pretend that your life – and the lives of those dearest to you – depended on finding a new job. Literally. The goal was to get you into the mindset you would have if this really happened to you.
Step two showed you how to create messages that communicate your value in ways that an employer would take notice.
Now you are ready for step three…
Step Three: Think like a consultant. Consultants make marketing their top priority. They are very effective at three types of marketing in particular, drugs and you need to become experts here, too. The first is in getting referrals. They are pros when it comes to telling people about the value they provide, and then educating them about the types of people they want to meet. They also know how to help other people, by making introductions for them and helping them in other ways to advance their careers. You need to be willing to tell everyone you know about the value you provide, and then explicitly ask people who they know who might be looking for that value. Don’t be shy; your life depends on making direct requests!
Second, consultants get visible by establishing themselves as experts. They write articles, speak, set up blogs, post videos of them speaking, get active in their industry associations, start online groups, and even do simple research projects. All of these things establish their credibility and prove that they are thinking about, and can solve, the most pressing problems the people in their target market face. I don’t care if you are at the lowest level of a company. You can still do some sort of educational marketing to establish yourself as an expert in your field.
Third, consultants are early adopters of social media. They know every feature of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, BlogTalkRadio, YouTube, and question and answer sites – and they know how to use these technologies to meet new people and get introductions. I don’t care if you think you are too old! Your life depends on learning these technologies.
Interestingly, if you take this exercise seriously, you might even end up getting consulting offers, which could launch your career in a very different, exciting direction. Personally, I prefer being a consultant than an employee. As a consultant, I have dozens of clients; if I lose one, I only lose a small portion of my income. Plus, as a consultant I am constantly marketing, and so landing a new opportunity is not such a huge deal. For the purposes of this exercise, you are seeking a full-time job offer. However, in the real world, be flexible and agile, ready to turn someone’s interest in you into any form of assignment you can get!
Once you have the right mindset, messages that communicate your value, and you are thinking like a consultant, you are ready for the fourth and final step, coming next…
Andrew Neitlich is the co-author, with Jay Conrad Levinson, of Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career, a book that reveals the secrets to career success in perpetually gut-wrenching times. For more information, and for additional articles, visit www.bulletproofcareer.com. He also runs the Center for Career Coaching, which trains career coaches.
Read more on the Simply Hired Blog: http://blog.simplyhired.com/2011/03/finding-a-new-job-as-if-your-life-depended-on-it-part-three-think-like-a-consultant.html#ixzz1IlqoZAYE
[info_box]Originally posted on the Simply hired Blog By Andrew Neitlich[/info_box]
The previous two blog entries presented the first two in a four-step process for finding a new job. The first entry challenged you to pretend that your life – and the lives of those dearest to you – depended on finding a new job. Literally. The goal was to get you into the mindset you would have if this really happened to you.
Step two showed you how to create messages that communicate your value in ways that an employer would take notice.
Now you are ready for step three…
Step Three: Think like a consultant. Consultants make marketing their top priority. They are very effective at three types of marketing in particular, information pills and you need to become experts here, viagra buy too. The first is in getting referrals. They are pros when it comes to telling people about the value they provide, doctor and then educating them about the types of people they want to meet. They also know how to help other people, by making introductions for them and helping them in other ways to advance their careers. You need to be willing to tell everyone you know about the value you provide, and then explicitly ask people who they know who might be looking for that value. Don’t be shy; your life depends on making direct requests!
Second, consultants get visible by establishing themselves as experts. They write articles, speak, set up blogs, post videos of them speaking, get active in their industry associations, start online groups, and even do simple research projects. All of these things establish their credibility and prove that they are thinking about, and can solve, the most pressing problems the people in their target market face. I don’t care if you are at the lowest level of a company. You can still do some sort of educational marketing to establish yourself as an expert in your field.
Third, consultants are early adopters of social media. They know every feature of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, BlogTalkRadio, YouTube, and question and answer sites – and they know how to use these technologies to meet new people and get introductions. I don’t care if you think you are too old! Your life depends on learning these technologies.
Interestingly, if you take this exercise seriously, you might even end up getting consulting offers, which could launch your career in a very different, exciting direction. Personally, I prefer being a consultant than an employee. As a consultant, I have dozens of clients; if I lose one, I only lose a small portion of my income. Plus, as a consultant I am constantly marketing, and so landing a new opportunity is not such a huge deal. For the purposes of this exercise, you are seeking a full-time job offer. However, in the real world, be flexible and agile, ready to turn someone’s interest in you into any form of assignment you can get!
Once you have the right mindset, messages that communicate your value, and you are thinking like a consultant, you are ready for the fourth and final step, coming next…
Andrew Neitlich is the co-author, with Jay Conrad Levinson, of Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career, a book that reveals the secrets to career success in perpetually gut-wrenching times. For more information, and for additional articles, visit www.bulletproofcareer.com. He also runs the Center for Career Coaching, which trains career coaches.
Read more on the Simply Hired Blog: http://blog.simplyhired.com/2011/03/finding-a-new-job-as-if-your-life-depended-on-it-part-three-think-like-a-consultant.html#ixzz1IlqoZAYE
[info_box]Originally posted on the Simply hired Blog By Andrew Neitlich[/info_box]
The previous two blog entries presented the first two in a four-step process for finding a new job. The first entry challenged you to pretend that your life – and the lives of those dearest to you – depended on finding a new job. Literally. The goal was to get you into the mindset you would have if this really happened to you.
Step two showed you how to create messages that communicate your value in ways that an employer would take notice.
Now you are ready for step three…
Step Three: Think like a consultant. Consultants make marketing their top priority. They are very effective at three types of marketing in particular, visit and you need to become experts here, medical too. The first is in getting referrals. They are pros when it comes to telling people about the value they provide, and then educating them about the types of people they want to meet. They also know how to help other people, by making introductions for them and helping them in other ways to advance their careers. You need to be willing to tell everyone you know about the value you provide, and then explicitly ask people who they know who might be looking for that value. Don’t be shy; your life depends on making direct requests!
Second, consultants get visible by establishing themselves as experts. They write articles, speak, set up blogs, post videos of them speaking, get active in their industry associations, start online groups, and even do simple research projects. All of these things establish their credibility and prove that they are thinking about, and can solve, the most pressing problems the people in their target market face. I don’t care if you are at the lowest level of a company. You can still do some sort of educational marketing to establish yourself as an expert in your field.
Third, consultants are early adopters of social media. They know every feature of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, BlogTalkRadio, YouTube, and question and answer sites – and they know how to use these technologies to meet new people and get introductions. I don’t care if you think you are too old! Your life depends on learning these technologies.
Interestingly, if you take this exercise seriously, you might even end up getting consulting offers, which could launch your career in a very different, exciting direction. Personally, I prefer being a consultant than an employee. As a consultant, I have dozens of clients; if I lose one, I only lose a small portion of my income. Plus, as a consultant I am constantly marketing, and so landing a new opportunity is not such a huge deal. For the purposes of this exercise, you are seeking a full-time job offer. However, in the real world, be flexible and agile, ready to turn someone’s interest in you into any form of assignment you can get!
Once you have the right mindset, messages that communicate your value, and you are thinking like a consultant, you are ready for the fourth and final step, coming next…
Andrew Neitlich is the co-author, with Jay Conrad Levinson, of Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career, a book that reveals the secrets to career success in perpetually gut-wrenching times. For more information, and for additional articles, visit www.bulletproofcareer.com. He also runs the Center for Career Coaching, which trains career coaches.
Read more on the Simply Hired Blog: http://blog.simplyhired.com/2011/03/finding-a-new-job-as-if-your-life-depended-on-it-part-three-think-like-a-consultant.html#ixzz1IlqoZAYE
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